How did they do it? 10 lotto winners who beat the odds and won the lottery multiple times

Trending 5 months ago

Terry Splawn, from Concord, North Carolina, remarkably won $1 cardinal doubly wrong 2 years astatine nan aforesaid store, Sam's Mini Stop. His first triumph was successful April 2017, and he repeated his luck successful March 2019. After his woman utilized nan first prize for location remodeling, Splawn planned to prevention his 2nd windfall for early needs.

Robert Hamilton of Indianapolis besides recovered luck smiling connected him doubly successful 2014, securing 2 $1 cardinal prizes wrong 3 months from different convenience stores. His first triumph allowed him to clear debts and acquisition a home, viewing his 2nd triumph arsenic a delightful bonus.

Bill Morgan, an Australian, survived a life-threatening bosom onslaught and subsequently won a car from a lottery ticket. His communicative took a miraculous move when, during a reenactment for a news story, he won $250,000 connected different ticket, underlining his unthinkable luck.

Calvin and Zatera Spencer from Virginia achieved 3 lottery wins successful a azygous period successful 2014, including 2 $1 cardinal prizes and a $50,000 win, making headlines for their unprecedented luck. Calvin's continued information successful nan lottery moreover led to a $100,000 triumph successful 2017.

Melvin Wilson, known arsenic "Mr. Lucky," won 4 times betwixt 2004 and 2013, amassing complete $1.025 cardinal from various lottery games successful Virginia, attributing his occurrence to regular information alternatively than sheer luck.

Joan Ginther, a erstwhile mathematics professor, won lottery prizes 4 times, totaling $20 million. Her world inheritance fueled speculation astir her success, though there's nary actual grounds suggesting thing different than chance successful her winnings.

Richard Lustig became celebrated for winning 7 lottery prizes from 1993 to 2010, totaling complete $1 million. Unlike others, he invested his winnings wisely and authored a book offering lottery-winning advice, contempt skepticism regarding nan effectiveness of his methods.

Source Lotto Life
Lotto Life