Lucky woman's son copies another player's Pick 5 numbers and then she wins $50,000

Trending 11 months ago

Is this over-shoulder strategy legal, aliases simply conscionable clever?   Photo: Stock compilation

They opportunity that imitation is nan sincerest shape of flattery. But erstwhile it is lottery numbers, does that work?

Apparently, it does–to nan tune of thousands of dollars.

A Brandywine lady, aged 68, scooped up a $50,000 Maryland Lottery jackpot without coming up pinch nan winning numbers herself.

$50K victor George Butcher came up pinch his numbers by looking astatine a licence sheet - worked for him!   Photo: Maryland Lottery

Instead, her luck came from copying different player's numbers for nan Pick 5 lottery game. Here's really it each went down.

This clever move started astatine a spot called Three Road Liquors, correct connected 13704 Brandywine Rd. successful Brandywine.

The woman, who prefers to stay anonymous, usually sends her boy to bargain her lottery tickets.

Three Road Liquors connected 13704 Brandywine Rd successful Brandywine   Photo: Google Maps

On 1 of these trips, her boy spotted different player's Pick 5 summons and thought, "Why not effort these numbers?"

So, he did conscionable that for his mom. How nice.

Later that day, while waiting astatine nan doctor's office, nan female decided to cheque nan lottery results utilizing nan Maryland Lottery app connected her phone.

While checking her telephone astatine nan doctors, nan female discovered her $50K win   Photo: Stock

To her astonishment, she discovered she had won a whopping $50,000.

The excitement was truthful overwhelming she had to return a infinitesimal to calm down earlier she could moreover deliberation astir driving backmost home.

Just arsenic good she was astatine a medical center.

The victor plans to usage her prize money to clear immoderate bills and make improvements to her home.   Photo: Stock

Overjoyed, nan female shared, "This is overmuch needed alleviation money."

She plans to usage her windfall to clear immoderate bills and make improvements to her home.

And there's a prize connected top: Three Road Liquors, nan shop that sold nan fortunate ticket, gets a $500 committee for their portion successful this happy story.

Source Lotto Life
Lotto Life